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Old 09-09-15, 09:16 AM   #242
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Great work MaMa!

As I am a programmer myself I can say you've done really good work to find this (I wouldn't have found it) and also you should forward that information again to Ubisoft, reporting it as a Uplay bug, not SH5 bug, and even include those debug logs as well.

This is because SH5 is no longer supported, but Uplay is supported ongoing. And this bug is actually part of Uplay (OSI is part of Uplay) and was introduced in a Uplay update.

From my experience working in a software company, so if you report the bug under a different category then it may get through to the engineers rather than getting blocked by customer support. If you report it as a SH5 bug then it gets filtered out but a Uplay bug may get through and be fixed. It's a long shot but worth a try. Also, if somebody reports a vague bug then it is less likely to get looked at but if you report exact information like you have found, it has a better chance of being acted on. So we should give detailed information like this.

As it stands, I think it would be difficult to actually fix this with a mod, apart from removing the tonnage bar completely as per Vecko's post above, since it seems to be hard coded into osi.

I had a look at the osi arguments in osi.args
-osi_memmax 45000 -osi_cpumax 100 -osi_netmax 250
There are only 3 arguments in there, I guess memory max, CPU max and network max.
I guess the first means how much memory is allowed.
Perhaps one thing to try is changing the mem max value from 45000 to a higher value (perhap it sometimes runs out of memory)???
Perhaps another thing is to raise the net max value to a higher value (perhaps it needs more network bandwidth sometimes)???

So actions are:


We on this forum should all keep reporting this Uplay bug to Ubisoft and if they keep on getting lots of reports about it then they may actually pay attention and 'escalate' it as a real issue. Include the debug logs provided from MaMa and provide a detailed explanation and it's more likely to go through than if we just report it vaguely. More details is better.


MaMa maybe you can try running again with those changes to the osi.args file?? And see if there is any change in the behaviour for OSI?
Another thing to try might be setting net max or mem max to 0 (perhaps setting to 0 means 'no limit').
Perhaps if it looks at how much memory or network bandwidth is used, it doesn't do the operation properly (I'm only guessing here, it's a long shot)

Last edited by RealGrognard; 09-09-15 at 09:57 AM.
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