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Old 09-08-15, 04:01 PM   #240
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However, tonnage bar calculation could work very nice in combination with hidden progress bar in order to simulated more If/Then dependencies in the actual campaign but, since this feature is broken , we can see no benefits from it...
My biggest concern at the moment is that this issue started when Ubisoft updated UPlay by including the OSI application into the game folders inside their browser.

Before that change there were no files stored in the UPlay folders and those informations were managed in a different way... now it seems that this procedure ceased to exist (giving Birth to this orrible bug... ) and this application act as a sort of emulator or a phantom server...

Despite being broken this application holds a lot of game informations (now stored locally, before they weren't accessible) and it could be a great chance to uncover an important part of the game tasks, allowing new gameplay possibilities on the game campaign for classical SH gamers and new ones alike... an expert like TDW could be of great help on that...


Where's TDW?
However, if anyone knows how to dig those contents he would be more than welcome !

In the meantime i'll continue my search...
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