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Old 09-03-15, 06:28 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
So somewhere in Africa, or wherever there's a major war going on.

Peak child isn't just a European or American thing, it's a global thing caused by the improvement of medical practices and standards of living. When living standards go up, when children stop dying before they reach double figures then people have less children. It's a natural progression.

Does that mean we're going to have to pay for the aging population? Yes, of course it does, we're already seeing a massive rise in dementia rates and housing for old people, but that's just how it goes. You cannot have a constantly youthful population, it will swing between the two, because if you were to have a constantly youthful population growth then you would soon outgrow the planet you live on. We're already over 7 billion in total on this planet, mostly clustered in certain areas because we don't have the financial incentive to spread out more. Thus, trapped within the financial constraints we have made for ourselves, increasing the global population at a reckless pace is foolhardy. Unless you plan to go Logans Run and kill everyone when they reach 40.
"Peak child" has nothing to do with it, it just lowers the figure to reach replacement rate, before you comment further I'd suggest you read up on demographics otherwise you are at risk of making a fool of yourself.
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