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Old 09-03-15, 06:48 AM   #319
Rockin Robbins
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Originally Posted by ColonelSandersLite View Post
I just measure the length of the target in degrees with the periscope when I really care. Is that cheating?

A rundown of a graphical solution would be to draw the torpedo track. At target range centered on the end of the track, draw a circle representing target ship length with a radius of 100y for medium, 150y for large, or 200y for very large ships. Draw a line representing target ship course through the center of the circle. Measure the angle from the center of the circle to one of the edges (radius, not diameter!) where the course line intersects the ship length circle. Divide by the angle by 2 for maximum left/right spread in degrees. It would be a little crude with the game's tool accuracy though.

Divide the result by 2 and be very careful about the way the game rounds.
The telemeter marks are supposed to be a quarter degree at high magnification, one degree at low magnification. But talk to Captain Scurvy about that one!

You're thinking like I'm thinking. I believe in two things working when the pressure is on: graphical solutions and tables. I'll show both and explain the concept of percentage spread. Actually, you're only drawing the torpedo track if we are straight shooting a zero gyro shot. Taking actual terms from the Submarine Torpedo Fire Control Manual, 1946, (which we really should and you are especially good at that) when we are curved shooting (gyro angle over 20º) that's the pseudo torpedo track.

The real torpedo track extends straight out from the sub to a point called the reach, then curves toward the target. Does in make any difference in twiddling the spread dial? Naw! Forgeddaboudit. (it might make a difference with extreme gyro angles) But it is good conversation around the swill pot on the night watch.

Last edited by Rockin Robbins; 09-03-15 at 12:04 PM.
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