Thread: [WIP] Day of Infamy
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Old 07-29-15, 10:13 AM   #85
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Double R your right in your assessment of RSRDC. It's intended goal was to provide an historical and accurate presentation of ship routes and battles.....yet it pushed open it's own agenda onto things the other mods hadn't expected. I'm guilty of that myself when making compatible mods, but I hope not to the same extent.

When I last talked with Lurker, he gave approval in allowing his work to be used for a new modification, and to modify it as needed. One of the specifics I ran across with his ship routes is the many way points he added within a given route......each with a different speed parameter.

Well, this is great to give a target varying speeds while it travels along its route. Nothing wrong with following a target; making a firing solution based on the current facts; just to find your torpedo's run wide because of an unexpected change in target speed. However, some of the speeds between way points dropped below an issue that the stock game has regarding the subs sonar (when manually used) won't allow the target to be heard if the target speed drops below half it's rated MaxSpeed found in its .sim file. Your sonar man can hear the target, yet you won't when you operate the passive sonar (no matter how close you are to the target). I've run across some of RSRDC's ship speeds drop to .001 between way points!! Your sonar is going to sound "broken" when these speeds are encountered. The stock game pretty much has all merchant shipping traveling at about 9 knts. Since that's well above half the usual MaxSpeed parameters for the stock game, you'll never run into this sonar issue.

By no means do I think I could have done the time, it seemed reasonable to add varying speeds to shipping routes. But as usual, one good idea creates another unforeseen problem.


Fitzcarraldo, your right in your observation of the water needing a bit more blue than green. I've seen it too and felt the same way. Those images are fairly old when I made the comparisons. Since then, the water is a bit more blue. Not as much as TMO's dark blue to almost black appearance, but bluer than these images show.

One thing the game creates is specific sun angle heights that change the water color. A certain time of day will allow for the water to look differently than another.....the same is true in which direction you look; toward, or away, from the sun. Getting it right, in all situations, is my focus. The one thing I'm particularly satisfied with is the ability to see a distant landmass during a clear, mid-day time frame. There's just no reason not to see it.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"

Last edited by CapnScurvy; 07-29-15 at 10:21 AM.
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