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Old 07-21-15, 03:28 PM   #232
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Default TDW’s Options File Editor Viewer Making Changes Using The Py File

TDW’s Options File Editor Viewer (OFEV) Making Changes Using The Py File.

With this method you do not need to disable any mods in JSGME.
The Py file is laid out in the same sequence as you are used to seeing the difference being it contains text and numerals.

Each Patch can be easily identified from the text between the # marks.
Each Option here is the same Option as seen in the OFEV.
Changes are made by changing > True to False and > False to True.
Erase the current setting and type in the new one.
Numerical changes are made by choosing a setting from the Options showing.
Here you will see Default, Minimum, Maximum depending on the patch.

Extreme caution should be observed when making any changes.

Complicated patches like the 'Ships Journal' should not be attempted here as changes are needed to be made to other files outside of the OFEV.

Common sense should be used to only make changes to patches that are easily understood what the result of any change means.
If in doubt then revert to disabling the mods and make the change by launching the OFEV.

Picture 1 > Shows the OFEV path to the py file.

Picture 2 >This is the view when the py file is opened.

When changes have been completed.
Go To > File
Select > Save

It is good practice at this time to make a copy of the py file as a backup.
Your OFEV should now be showing the changes you made.

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 04-27-18 at 04:04 PM. Reason: Replaced missing pictures
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