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Old 05-27-15, 06:20 PM   #7
Sea Lord
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I am really not understanding damage control. It seems pretty ineffective compared to SH3.

I just got hit by two fighters. Dropped a bomb right next to us. Injured most of the officers (except the chief) and we had 94% hull integrity and 7% flooding. We drop to the bottom in 36 meters of water.

First of all, in SH3 with 94% HI I should have had the flooding under control in minutes and been able to sail away on the surface no problem. Even dive.

But with SH5, we sink by the bow and settle on the floor.

I tell the chief to control flooding, but we flood anyway and game over.

It appears that there are some components that can't be repaired? Even if they are not red. They never seem to improve in percentage.

What is the purpose of the little hammer icon on the officer shortcut under chief? Most of the time when you click on it it turns yellow and then turns white right away.

I miss the SH3 damage control screen where you could see the entire sub and immediately understand the entire situation. In SH5 you have to go compartment by compartment figuring out where the damage is.

But it doesn't seem to matter anyway because evidently you have no control over damage control (at least flooding) and you can't apply more men or anything to make it happen faster. The only thing you can do is direct the chief to address things but if he is injured that doesn't work and it doesn't seem to matter much if he isn't injured.

If you have minor damage things seem to get repaired in a day or so but there certainly are no Das Boot moments where you sit on the bottom even in 36 meters of water and repair your sub!

I'm using the Wolves of Steel modpack.
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