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Old 04-06-06, 01:33 PM   #714
Sea Lord
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That is incredible - you are making very good progress!

As for 3d nodes, I don't know if you can add another propeller. I didn't even think you could add extra .obj's or extra smoke nodes. I never added extra nodes before - I only worked with what was there.

I have a couple of suggestions though. First, you should change the name to be more realistic. There were actually a couple of four funnelled liners left by the Second World War (and a greater number of large three funnelled liners) but the Lusitania was sunk in 1915. Also, you should change the bridge - I don't know why such a modern-looking bridge was ever used in the game in the first place.

But still, great work.

And to answer Uapa'a question - yes, a sailing ship can be made, but it would be hard to kitbash.

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