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Old 04-30-15, 09:57 PM   #13
Silent Hunter
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How many Yamatos does it take to get to 300,000 tons?

It's like the old question: how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Or maybe not.

My perspective is, by necessity, a little different.

In my present SH4 life, my first patrol (in command of a S-boat), I was sent to Luzon Strait before war broke out. The weather seemed to turn ugly almost as soon as I reached the PZ. Since both my provisions and fuel were limited [this is a hard-core realism career], I planned to go back to Cavite fairly soon. I saw a couple aircraft, but nothing else.

I went back by going east of Luzon. This turned out to be a mistake, as a perpetual storm slowed my progress a great deal, and the Navy dynamited the fuel stocks, before I could get there. All I could do, is start for Surabaya, and hope for good weather. At this point, fuel was less of an issue than food. I had 45 days of supplies, and just managed to get back in 44 days. The only good thing about the patrol was accomplishing 2 patrol objectives. I did not see a single ship after leaving Cavite, until reaching Surabaya.

For the second war patrol, we were sent to the Molucca Passage. I went at 1/3 speed, as I wanted to have plenty of time/fuel for patrolling. Two weeks and nothing. I make a status report; no new objectives - we are at liberty to play our own hunches. I go to the adjacent area north, just south of Mindanao.

In this area, just before dusk, my soundman reports light merchant screws! Turning the periscope to the bearing - sure enough, a contact! I am very excited, and put on more speed. My position is not favorable, so I must ring up full speed to have a chance. It quickly becomes apparent that my battery will not last long enough to intercept.

After the sun sets, I surface and ring up flank, seas are rough, but I can make about 10 knots, or so. The target ship is headed NNW, but there is an island ahead of us. As we slowly get ahead, it changes course - NE and is then behind us. We are now in a terrible position for a torpedo attack. I order a dive. We can slow, and get a good look as he goes by. My feeling is that there is an even chance it is an American ship headed for the Philippines. As it comes closer, we see it is a coastal composite freighter, under 2,000 tons. As it goes by at 500 yards, I see it has a Dutch flag ......... secure from GC.

Later, we continue north, toward Davao Gulf, but have not seen any additional ships, yet.

300,000 tons?

I would be very happy to get 30,000 tons.

Even 3,000 tons would be ok.

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