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Old 04-03-15, 08:34 AM   #12
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I also have the problem where my topedos all go in circles after applying this patch. I can see that this may be a touchy subject, so I will try and be careful about how I ask my questions. I used the following instructions to install and use the patcher:
This was the only set of instructions that I could find pertaining to the current version of the patcher. It also says nothing about enabling the patcher or anything else with jsgme, and in fact explicitly says that the patcher is a stand alone app that should not be enabled with jsgme. I think this may be the first point of confusion.

While looking for a fix for the circling torpedos I found this thread that seems to imply that something should be done with the files associated with the patches, but never really says if that's true, or what should be done with them. I have all of the files that came with the patcher exactly as they were extracted - I have not moved anything out of the folders. When I look at the torpedo fixes in the patcher, the file that is associated with them is there, but what to do with it? Should it be extracted and moved into my MODS directory? Should it be extracted and left in place? Should I just leave it alone? Is the "THEBERBSTER " tutorial inaccurate in that I should be running this patcher out of my MODS directory and enabling with jsgme?

I do apologize if I am asking the same old questions again, I am just looking for the correct information.

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