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Old 03-21-15, 06:12 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Nippelspanner View Post
Nice, does it look different out there?
Did you meet any ships, NPC or player?
Don't tell me the kinda scripted sidey/eagle/viper still spawns ~5 seconds near a nav beacon after you jump into a system even if 1500ly away.

I'm thinking about getting an Asp sson, I could afford it already, and go exploring.
Thing is... I guess it will bore me.
Spending 99% of the time in SC to face a planet until the scan is through sounds rather dull but then again, I didn't do it yet...

Any advice?
It looks weird. That far down the Milky Way turns into great scar of white. Below that there is nothing. Nothing. A few scattered stars.

I bought the game for exploration. Swings and Roundabouts I guess. The combat bores me. I just don't like it very much. And trading is much the same. Yeah, the thousandsth red dwarf with a bunch of icy rocks doesn't do much, but then you find something - a black hole or a neutron star or a carbon star or even better, an earthlike world. I love that. I love the sense of scale and distance. I hear people moaning about feeling lonely out there - I don't. I love the solitude.

You don't get any NPCs once you get about 500 LY past the human bubble. personally, I think it would be fitting to get a very occasional contact but at the moment, the way the game seems to be programmed I think it's all or nothing. I'd love some USS signals out there - the remains of ships that screwed up or even other, alien things. We'll see.

I'll say this though: Since they increased the prices for scanning items I've seen a bunch of people attempting to put exploring into the same framework as trading. EG: How many millions of credits per hour you can earn. To me, that's just a strange way of looking at it. It also doesn't really work like that. The high paying items are still rare, and a lot of them are a LONG way from home. Best to do it because you want to, not because you will earn anything.

That said, by the time I get home I plan to have made a fair bit - enough to upgrade to an asp or even bigger.

I'll try and remember to take a screen shot of what it looks like down there. I'm currently in an area with about two dozen neutron stars and white dwarfs that I plan to scan before moving on to a MSC11AB class about 200 LY away.

As much as I disagree with FD on so many things, and am deeply uncertain about the direction the game may be taking, I can't fault them on the creation of the galaxy. It's immense and a real and special achievement. Hopefully, one of these days, they'll add to it. Accretion disks, and all manner of weirdness. Also, hopefully, they'll make the environment more dangerous too. The one thing wrong with it is as long as your are careful it's far too safe feeling.
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