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Old 02-12-15, 12:41 PM   #11
Posts: n/a

saving issues that still are a problem:

if you save in an area you sank a ship and its still sinking and it gives you credit for it or if the ship settled to the bottom and hasn't "timed out" to disappear or you havent left the area far enough for it to disappear and you save then you don't get credit for it when you reload and it will be back undamaged when you reload the game.

also if you save in shallow water or near land you can get damaged on reload. this is because the sub appears and is rapidly shaken around as the game positions it at the right depth as it spawns so it can hit bottom or any nearby object while this happens. in addition the game never puts you in the same spot so if you load a save from a harbor lets say, you may spawn on land or on top of another ship or dock and be stuck.

its also a good idea to create new saves and delete the old ones because repeatedly saving on top of old saves can sometimes cause corruption and ruins the save. having a new save each time ensures you never lose all your game progress except for the most recent actions and you can go back to the start of the patrol or mission again instead of starting the campaign over at the beginning.

so while the old rules for saves can be ignored its best to follow them just to be sure to not have problems.

those rules are:
never save when other traffic is around you
never save while in shallow water unless on the surface
never save near land (by that I mean within shooting distance of it)
never save in the middle of a battle or all battle events will not be saved
if you save with a convoy or task force heading your way, don't expect to see it again when you reload, it doesn't save random traffic.
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