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Old 02-11-15, 07:13 PM   #76
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The disappearing button issue is most likely caused by unloading mods then loading other mods and then saving a game over a save from a past mod list. The best rule for running these mods in my book is that if you want to change mods :

Remove them all
Remove the game
Reinstall the game
Install 1.5
Install JSGME and populate it with your mods

Play game

I have never had a corrupt save doing this.

Torpx ... I understand what your saying about ISP and OM. You should give the other side a try sometime it is nice starting the war in 1939 with a boat that only has three tubes. A good challenge. I would love to see some major North Atlantic storms. The fog in the mods I am running for OM is tricky. You think you can not be seen but they do see you and chase your hiney down but in some areas your only talking 215 feet in the North sea so it is much more of a challenge than dipping down to 450 in the great depth of the Pacific and hiding from the Japanese.

I find those english buggars can be much more persistent than the Japanese at ASW.
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