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Old 02-10-15, 04:06 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Vodo77 View Post
Then, let's say i'm in position, submerged. If my attack needs the periscope, i will have to get it out at some point. how do i know my target won't see the periscope?
You'll know when they start zigzagging, other than that when it comes to merchants you don't.
For escorts.. easy... they'll come after you when they spotted you.

If you're on a attack run against a merchant going below 3knts they'll probably won't see you, it all depends on weather conditions.

For escorts its a whole different story... there is a thread out on the forum explaining sonar and stuff... can't remember the thread tho.

Originally Posted by Vodo77 View Post
And last, a small question about identifying targets. does the game keep identifications when i submerge or retract the periscope?
I had this problem on a small convoy recently: in position, periscope up, ID a T3 tanker to get his speed, periscope down and wait a bit. Periscope up again, i had to re-ID him, still far so periscope down and waited again. third time i had to re-ID him again. It was tedious ^^
What Torpx say's, you need to 'lock on' before ID-ing the target but... if the lock drops after a couple of sec's it means you're still to far away from it and you'll loose the ID, once in range it should stay.
I think it has to do with your crew's visual-/ sensor range. As soon as the AI spot's the target you can lock on to it (while surfaced).
(Being submerged means a lower viewing angle and therefor you'll not be able to lock on to it at same range as surfaced).

You can however use it to your advantage, using the 3min rule you can get target speed and a pretty good target heading.
I usually go with 6min because A: the target is still very far away B: it gives me a more accurate heading and C: can maneuver in the best firing position.
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