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Old 01-01-15, 11:58 PM   #423
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Just got back from a holiday to discover I have a shiny new Best of Subsim Award! I'm very honoured, I certainly never expected this game to become so popular. A big thank you to those who nominated me and voted!

To answer the comments on the last page:
Originally Posted by submersiblevalor84 View Post
I was trying out the new mini-update with the Foxtrot, but I decided to go with the November to see how a SSBN works in this game. After taking out some Israeli vessels and securing a military alliance with Pakistan, I got trigger happy and tried to launch a nuke at Narvik. And as the title said, I got a CTD... I hope it can be fixed in the near-future!
This may already have been fixed in a mini-update - try redownloading the game. There was a small bug causing occasional crashes during nuclear wars.

Originally Posted by Wojtek94 View Post
Hmm... I think about one thing-random crush depth. If I set this to 310 meters sub take damage and water when I pass this limit. I know about random durability of pressure hull parts but its little annoying because crash depth have so detailed limit. Its possible to better randomize this? In one situation 310 meters give us a heavy leaking for other on 320 meter we get only little etc. For me it will be ideal option
This is certainly possible, I will probably implement this next version.

Originally Posted by USS Drum View Post
Is it possible to edit the models of existing submarines? I'm currently planning on making a submarine based on the Alfa and the default model would be great in that role with a few edits(Mostly changing the overall shape of the hull and the position and shape of the stern diving planes).

Edit: Also, how do you set how fast a sub runs on the surface?
Originally Posted by USS Drum View Post
Apparently I was using the old version of the editor.

Edit: I can't seem to download the new editor, are there other mirrors I could use?
Currently the sub editor does not allow you to modify existing submarines, I should get around to fixing that soon.

There is a different submarine editor with a nicer user interface here: (made by Rayboy1995 of the Facepunch forums) which does allow you to load and save .sub files. It was designed for V0.22 so there might be a couple of bugs but it should work ok.

At the moment, there is no way to set the surface speed independently of the submerged speed. I'll add the ability to do this in the next version.

Originally Posted by LHLF View Post
Did no one answer to this question? I read the comments that came afterwards and it seemed that there was not a single person supporting this.

YES, PLEASE make a proper pdf manual!

A wiki would be awesome too, but since wikis take a long time to be formed and to become somewhat complete and reliable (especially with all the updates that change a lot of things), a nice, complete manual would be perfect for us who are still starting to learn the ropes and commands.
It would be great if it could include some tips about what to do in the beginning, how to be prepared for accidents and unexpected things too!
Welcome! A couple of people on other forums have suggested a PDF manual too, so I think that's what I'll make. The fact that it can be used offline is a major advantage of the PDF over the wiki in my opinion.

Originally Posted by anakim View Post
Hi ! Everybody,

First this game are very cool, i'am an ancient seaman on submarine (sory for my poor english).

i have suggestion for fun .

1) It possible to have surface vessel for playable asset in the future ?
2) Captain Log's for diplomacy event and hit.
3) Same as dwarf fortress , continue game with other submarine after death.

thanks for this awesome gameGeoff
Hi anakim! Thanks for posting, these are all good suggestions. I don't plan to add surface ships in the near future, but maybe eventually - the game code is flexible enough that it should be possible to simulate a frigate or destroyer one day. I do plan to make the captain's log more detailed soon, and saving a persistent world state should be possible too.
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