Thread: RSRDC question
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Old 12-28-14, 09:35 AM   #8
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It includes many historical air raids, but I don't recall any on the home islands, cuz the players don't usually head to those places. Some land air raids in the game, Rabaul, Truk, Solomons, etc., are in the game. Many air raids against jap TF are time rather perfectly, just seldom do players get there at the right moment. In some battles I try to attack in time with the air groups and take advantage of the damage they do, just have to be careful, cuz if the planes score the killing hit, you sometimes won't get credit. Game is funny sometimes, at times if I get the first hit, even if a plane kills the ship, I get credit, other times vice versa. Maybe code is which hit did the most if you and planes are attacking and your torps do 51% damage, you get the credit. I suspect so, but have no way of knowing....

Like the battle of Leyte, Kurita was attacked by Halsey with mass planes, seems Oct. 24 before they reached the San Bern. If you get in that lil sea whatever it is early 24 next to the Bern, you'll see mass groups of US planes come through. If you time it to where the TF spawns, you can watch the planes attack way in front of you and when they get to you, TF will have some damage you can take advantage of. You can also watch the battle the next day when the center force attacks the fleeing escort carriers.

Another common tactic people use is to take advantage of the few ship battles, like the battle of Savo. Can you change history by taking out the jap BB's before they engage allied forces....

Planes will attack some land targets, seems it was only allied coastal guns, but they don't blow up....Someone modded some oil tanks that can be blown up, but you have to do it. The game basically won't shoot at something that doesn't shoot at it...

You see my dog don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughing at him. Now if you apologize like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.
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