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Old 12-23-14, 07:14 PM   #15
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by avers View Post
Hi, I'm thinking about using ur mod, but before I do I have a few questions. Firstly, I use GWX and if I install this mod would it change the GWX campaign or would the campaign stay the same, but with dynamic canpaign changes?
Thanks for the questions. SH3DC will keep your original GWX campaign files backuped in its Backup directory at all times. It will replace your campaign files with the dynamic campaign files of the specific career you play when you launch SH3DC, and then return your originals when SH3DC closes.

Originally Posted by avers View Post
Secondly, since this mod makes sunken ships never appear again, is it possible to "run out of ships" in the career?
It is not possible because the campaign SCR layer has tens or even hundreds of thousands of ships in it, it is highly unlikely, AND the RND layer has ships, which SH3DC does not effect because the RND layer is random ships generated. So no, you will not be able to run out of ships to sink using SH3DC. It's impossible because of the RND layer.

Originally Posted by avers View Post
Thirdly, would I need to do the marks thing every time I sink a ship?
If you are using EASY mode, you need to mark with the pencil on the navigation map the sinking location to the best of your knowledge, for every ship you sink in the order you sank them. A navigation officer would do this IRL anyhow, so its part of roleplaying.

If you are using ORIGINAL mode, then you need to mark the sinking and also adjust marks.txt file as well.

Players do the markings because it tells SH3DC where the sinking took place. The game outputs the location of the sinking but it is in the Kriegsmarine grid system as AN64 or something. These grid squares are several tens of miles in lenghth and width, so the precision of the location is not precise. I'd prefer that SH3DC has more precision using the marking method to be more ensure the correct ship is removed from the campaign layer.

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any issues installing it. I created the installer from scratch, the hard way.
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