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Old 11-15-14, 01:19 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by P-Dup View Post
What exactly does the Turbine Generator do and what happens if it is damaged or destroyed?
The turbine generator generates electrical power from the steam produced in the reactors. Basically, the more damaged it is the less efficiently the power will be converted (meaning less power is available for pumps, radar etc.), and if it is completely destroyed, no electrical power will be generated from the reactors. The power lost in the turbine generator is listed as 'INEFFICIENCY' in the power summary display on the power systems control panel.

Originally Posted by zog081 View Post

I registered to ask this one question.

I have no trouble sinking surface targets, radar use, periscope use, and sonar target identification.

I generally have found the weapons system control panel to be difficult to use.

Now I get to the nut. I can see incoming torpedoes from enemy submarines in the weapons system control panel, but cannot find the enemy subs themselves. what I have yet to figure out is how to target enemy subs.

please advise, I can identify them from sonar, I can see their incoming torps, but I cannot see them to target them and return fire. just laying a spread in the direction of incoming fire is not effective.

Maybe something like an active sonar pulse to identify submerged targets?
Or am I missing something obvious?

That said, excellent game, great work so far. and thank you!
It's not obvious, and I think a lot of people have missed this:

Selecting a target on the sonar screen (by pressing T) will 'track' the target exactly as if it was selected on the weapon systems control panel. So if you select the target on the sonar, then switch to the weapon systems panel (or periscope) and fire a torpedo, the torpedo will automatically steer towards the target. The target will not be marked on the map, but your sub is tracking it nonetheless.

Hopefully this clarifies things. Active sonar might be added soon anyway, which will change the sonar targeting system slightly.
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