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Old 10-30-14, 08:32 PM   #354
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Originally Posted by Dilqui View Post
Hey there, Geoff.
I downloaded the game a while ago, and I liked it a lot. I first got the 0.24, and the missile update got me very giddy. I remember spending the first 10 minutes just nuking everything, and watching the explosions. What I wanted to suggest, was, when you include the active sonar, could you also include distances? I always hate when I launch torpedoes, only to find out that the small frigate is too far, and outruns it. That would be awesome.

Also, on an unrelated note, did anyone know that if you torpedo a USA vessel (get them from friendly to neutral), everyone suddenly signs peace treaties with you? I found that interesting!

...but does that mean that since there are no hostiles, that the engage enemy shipping missions becomes moot? What about the sink specific vessels?

Anyway, I will let you decide how that works!

(PS: Sorry to keep bringing up issues, but the December submarine, while great, seems to have some bugs in the loading of the torpedoes. I know you did not create it, so I am not asking you to fix it, but I am bringing it up so that everyone else is aware of the fact. This bug, when it occurs "wastes" torpedoes, particular loading a new when there already is one in the chamber, and loading a torpedo into the wrong tube, but displaying it is loaded properly, which can be annoying or deadly, depending on whenever you have an angry fleet of Soviets after you or not. )

A fan,
Hi Dilqui, thanks for posting! The active sonar idea sounds good, I'll keep it in mind when I add it. Not sure how useful active sonar will actually be, since it should reveal your position to everyone nearby, but I guess that can be balanced once it's in the game.

I've never noticed the USA peace treaty bug, that's hilarious! I'll see if I can figure out why it's happening. Usually if you attack the US their allies will declare war on you and the Warsaw Pact nations will want to be friends, the diplomacy code is still kinda buggy though. If there are no hostile nations you will only be given recon missions, although your current mission will not be cancelled so you might still have orders to attack someone.

Someone else pointed out the torpedo bug recently in a different thread, apparently it happens in the default submarine sometimes too. Thanks for pointing it out, looks like it's a pretty common bug. I'll look into it, something strange is definitely going on.

Originally Posted by kvn8907 View Post
Don't you know that every seaport worth its salt has a large stock of life crystals on hand for just such an occasion? :-)

Video related:

The Dig! I loved that game as a kid, never actually beat it though...
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