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Old 10-22-14, 03:15 PM   #1734
Dominant Wolf
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On 17th july 1914, the german foreign office sent a letter to its ambassador in London. In this letter, it is explained that if there is a way to start a war against Russia, it has to be done, because Russia is stronger year by year.
In 2014, we are exactly in the same situation. Russia is destined to be the 1st power in Europe ; and currently there are 2 powers which are not ready to accept it : this is of course the Washington government, but it is as well Angela Merkel's position.
Berlin is afraid of seeing east-european countries, like czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary or Finland do not believe any more that Russia is an imperialistic communist country. On the contrary, they see Russia as a reliable partner sharing the same values. The fear of a political and economic rise of Russia basically explains Germany's and Yankee's aggressive policy towards Russia.
The current challenge for Moscow is to manage these provocative behaviours. Amongst solutions, there is opportunity of re-building the Russia-France-Serbia alliance. Unlike Germany or USA, our nations have lost any imperialistic desire, and we can together create a new balance of power in Europe. This alliance will not lead to the war this time, but to peace.

With a solid french-russian alliance, we can reasonably expect to moderate the everlasting german ambitions. Of course, some questions are supposed to come to everyone's mind : is France ready to build this alliance ?
I think Russia has to be patient, it needs some time to convince France to cooperate to this ambitious policy. And finally I'd like to say that we in France are more and more ready to make this move, especially those french who see Russia as a leader of an Eurasian Europe.

Originally Posted by Dowly View Post
Pro-Russian troops playing a prank on their comrades.. with an automatic grenade launcher...:


That video, that russian (!) sub in swedish waters, and that russian (!!) snowplough and its russian (!!!) driver killing Total's CEO on his takeoff from Moscow... Yeah the snowplough's driver was most certainly drunk. He's russian (!!!!).

Last year at the same time Ukraine was still a random european country which president just chose to establish closer ties with Russian Federation. Now Ukraine is part of the EU, and so... Well well well ... But ... That means Russia is now on NATO's doorstep, doesn't it ?
So let the americans send all tanks they need close to the russian border.

Damn, your tv doesn't stop telling you Putin=Hitler|Putin=Hitler|Putin=Hitler|Putin=Hitle r, what are you still doing in front of your screen ? Save us !

(Wait I feel cold, that's wind from Russia. Let the US drop a handful of Little Boys there. There will still be wind afterwards, but there won't be Russia any more, so it will be neutral wind, and we'll all feel better then !)

Phew... I'm exhausted after so much deep-thinking.
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