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Old 10-19-14, 11:13 AM   #42
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Hello Jasonb,

Sorry about the delay in replying, but whilst on shore leave my base commander (the wife) had urgent missions for me to attend to.

Before I answer your questions, can I just clarify a point I made in my first post relating to this problem.
I do change the screen resolution figures in the d3d9.cfg file which is part of the "SH3_XPSP2_Res_Fix_for_1.4b" package, but I do not alter any other .cfg files.
I apologise if I have mislead you in any way.
This is how my d3d9.cfg file looks:

DX9res Settings
; by Kegetys <>
; Note that this config is reloaded on device reset, so you can task switch out
; of the game, change settings from this file and then return
; ResX: Horizontal resolution setting
; ResY: Vertical resolution setting
; useFiltering: Use linear filtering for UI elements
; enableScreenshots: Hook printscreen keypress to save TGA screenshot
; setGamma: Override gamma ramp
; gammaRed: Red channel gamma (1.0 = normal, decrease to add brightess, increase to darken)
; gammaGreen: Green channel gamma (1.0 = normal, decrease to add brightess, increase to darken)
; gammaBlue: Blue channel gamma (1.0 = normal, decrease to add brightess, increase to darken)

The amended screen res figures are in yellow.

Anyway in answer to your questions:

1. The change in resolution from 1024*768 to 1600*1200 happens immediately on selecting the larger size resolution.
I notice it straight away at the Main Menu screen before I have selected my career

2. Windowed mode.
I haven't tried this in full-screen mode

3. I haven't selected compatibility mode for SH3 Commander or SH3 itself

4. When I want to change the screen resolution, I left click the rectangular peek button on the right hand side of the taskbar, it says "Show desktop" when you hover the mouse over it.
Note my operating system is Windows7, I don't think XP or earlier had this function

In summarising Jason, I went through a lot of trial and error before this worked for me.
I searched and trawled through these forums on Subsim, Google etc.
I tried nearly all of the solutions that others had found worked for them, but to no avail in my case.

There was an instance when I thought I'd got the proper solution for it to work straight away at 1600*1200 without having to first select 1024*768, but that only worked when starting off with SH3 directly. As soon as I started using SH3 Commander to load the game, it defaulted to 1024*768.

I just happened to stumble on this solution as I was doing a fresh install of SH3, SH3 Commander etc.
To ensure it worked permanently, I did a fresh re-install straight away, documenting what I did as I did it.

I hope you do manage to find a solution, because 1024*768 on a 22 inch monitor is not very nice at all.

Let us all know how you get on, because you may find a solution that nobody else has tried yet, or you may find a solution working for you that others couldn't get to work for them.

All the best

Last edited by U-15; 10-19-14 at 11:43 AM.
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