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Old 10-01-14, 07:01 PM   #11
Silent Hunter
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I've had Windows Vista (x86) for about a year in 2009. But I cannot be sure I had DW installed in it. I did find some folders with a creation timestamp around that timeframe among my backups. But it may have been created in a Win 7 OS instead.

Generally speaking in my experience, any user software that works in Windows 7 also worked in Windows vista. In both OSes (well any since and including Vista) I would suggest to try to keep the game installed outside of the Program Files Folder. If you ever intend to mod it. As Windows tries to prevent modification and creation of files in any folders in there. And for DW that means you'll experience UAC warnings (or silent denials) trying to make save games and mission creations with the mission editor. As they reside in the Scenario folder. Or those changes temporarily succeeding but not sticking after a reboot.

You mention you want to buy it with Steam. Steam by default installs into the Program Files folder. So that may be the beginning of a problem there. But the following procedure might be a workaround, by explicitly allowing modifying in the security permissions to the game folder and all it's files in it. Note, this video is intended for Silent Hunter (3) and is no guaranteed solution for this game. I personally have the disk version of DW, so did not have to try this and therefore no personal experience in this. And for the other games I got via Steam, I pre-emptively installed Steam not to be inside the Program Files folder. If you have not yet installed Steam itself I suggest you also provide an alternate path for it when you can.

[EDIT]What Hinrich said! DW doesn't like things running in the background. Also I just remembered, it prefers to run on a single CPU. You may have to specifiy affinity to a single CPU core in Task Manager, instead of the Windows default of execution shared on all.
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