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Old 09-28-14, 07:30 AM   #244
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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Originally Posted by Aktungbby View Post
^ Yeah that! I'm just one step ahead of you using an old 'unsupported' Mitsubishi-Stiil have an old Gel battery handset from the early 90's on the boat for its greater power...from before Verizon was Verizon! My older phone is actually more useful and can connect when we're 'off the grid on a remote location for movie shoots; all those smart phones aint so smart! Every one in the crew has to borrow mine to call for more porta-pottie units or to direct the caterer in to feed the crew etc...essential logistics on a production or they'll strike! I tried a newer phone but the speakers wouldn't allow me to hear-I'm deaf- so it just sits charging in the auto console . I always can call 911 even though it's not activated. I Bluetooth to a visor speaker for better hearing and hands free- a big ticket offense in CA! $55.00 per month: 1000 minutes free and unlimited texts...I m a customer since the '80's, so I'm 'grandfathered' in on my plan! EDIT: my wife and daughter are the smartphone users...they inform me what I need to Know...when I need to know it! Saves me a lot of 21st century aggravation!

Originally Posted by Sailor Steve View Post
I'm still using the same LG 900G I reported two years ago, and I'm still paying $15 for 200 minutes. My average talk time per month is less than five minutes, and I have almost 3000 backed up because they do rollovers.

Hey, there's a lot to be said for getting the max use out of a piece of equipment. I am not planning to change phones any time soon.
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