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Old 09-25-14, 12:16 PM   #330
Join Date: Sep 2014
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SHO Great Job!

Yes, YES! That 3D game looks amazing! What engine is it being developed in?

When you release it it it will be amazing. Also, I have a suggestion for the Nuclear Missile Console, allow us to zoom in and out like at the map screen. It is so cool to watch the missiles fly around. It is interesting though, as it appears that some countries will target you with their missiles, not just the cities. Is this because I am surfaced when I launch the missiles, or do they lock on to you anyway?

Another suggestion for quality of life. Make the radio messages more apparent, I have sat in port for a long time while doing recon missions, not realizing that I have already been given a new mission. Maybe add a flashing pop-up when you get a new message about missions or war decs.

Now a question, how do I dock at a friendly port to restock torpedoes, repair hull, ect. I heard that people can do that, just I do not know how. Thanks! Is there any variation with missions depending on which nation you play as? And are there any "launch nuclear weapons at x y z" missions that result from the AI launching missiles? I know that nations will declare war on each other, and may or may not fight each other in the background, but will a nation instigate a nuclear war?

I LOVE this game, it is like FTL with submarines (which is a good thing) and I hope it grows and develops alongside the 3D multiplayer version when it is released. Please make more spoiler pics when you can!

P.S. The November is my favorite submarine, due to it's versatility and that it has missiles!
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