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Old 09-12-14, 05:50 PM   #955
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Default Glitch in the mod

I've noticed a few significant glitches in the mod when it comes to two ships:
  1. Trying to sink a Fuso class battleship causes a CTD when the game determines that its taken enough damage to sink.
  2. The "big modern freighter" is a ghost ship. By that, I mead it can tag you with deck guns all day, but, the player is unable to hit it at all. As in, deck guns, torpedoes and even the sub pass through it like it's not there. It can be targeted but, that's all. I'll post a video clip ASAP to show you this one.
  3. Where's the Yamato? In some missions where you need to sink it, it's not even there!
  4. Finally...Homing torpedos...What happened to those? They are there, but, they are straight line weapons only. It kind of sucks when you have the shot all lined up, "Tube 1...FIRE!" and you watch the torpedo go about it's way, missing the target by yards and listening to the Japanese saying "愚かなアメリカ人!あなたも、右を目指すことはできません。私たち日本人ははるかに優れている! " (Stupid Americans! You can not even aim right. We Japanese are far superior!)
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