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Old 09-11-14, 04:30 AM   #1573
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The EU is what makes nationaloiusts and radicals strong with its arrogant and intransparent behavior, its nepotist policies and corrupt lobbies.

It strikes me how one can complain about states and that they would go to war immediately again - and then wanting to install an even bigger, greater, more tyrannic superstate. The states have been at the root of past wars, especially the really big ones. States are monopolists in violating rules and creating these rules afterwards to legalise their doing.

More regulation by those who already messed up until here. Sure, that must be the solution!

My reply is different: not miore but less statehood. Not more but less paternalism. Not more but less regulation. Not bigger, but smaller states. Not more obedience byx citizens towards the feudal elites hijacking states, but states and its administrative leader needing to fear citizens. Less taxing, much less taxing. More taxes staying where they have been risen instead of moviong them to a centralised controlling instance. Well, the classical canon of arguments from the Austrian school and classical libertarianism.

I am not a nationalist. I am a zero-state-agent. And I certainly wnat today'S political caste being line dup against the wall, that is true. Since these antisocial parasites enjoy their ever increasing priveleges by protecting the system that feeds them, they will not let go voluntarily, we see that all the time - but we still must get rid of these. Do not vote for somebody anymore, vote him out of office, and he gets patronaged by his party and pops up somewhere else. The election principle fails in our voter-bribing-democracy (Christoph Braunschweig). Party-dynasties and a cast5e of feudal self-understanding have been installed. Laws and vlaue system have been tailored by these since decades to proptect thjeir interests and their influence and power. Play by their rules - and you are guaranteed to be dominated by them. Faces may come and go and change seats in various offices - the family of theirs, this deeply rotten, corrupted breed, always prevails.

Europe - means plural, not singular. The diversity led to competition and innovation, this is what made Europe unique amongst world culture's place in history, influencing the human global civilsation more than any other. Foster the diversity and allow regional differences to balance themselves out against each other all by private interaction of free private people. Deny a new feudal caste to diactate half a billion people how they have to live, how they have to decide, and how they have to think. The EU has caused havoc with its growing cedntrelaism and increaisng powers. The Euro, forcing incompatible economie sinto the sdame frsamework, has destroyed social peace, has fostered nationbal ressentiments, and mutual abuse. Egoism spikes high again in the EU's European directorate. Old nationalistic trenches are opening up again due to its presumption. Economic lobbies as well as ideological lobbies have become more powerful than ever before under its protection. Bureaucracy is constantly increasing. The market is more heavily overregulated by planned than ever before, maybe with the exception of the planned economies in the USSR'S former sphere of influence. Europe is openly submitting to arch-socialist principles of power and erosion of economic key principles, even the most essential minimum of economic reason.

And btw, the peace in Europe has not been brought and not been protected by the EU or its predecessor, but by the threat from the Sovjet Union, and NATO.

And the citizen'S sympathy for and approval of the eU is declining since years, and is at an all-time low.

More of that, please! More centrlasied power! More monopoly for one state! More planned economy! More regulation! More pltical Führer of thje like we have already and that already cost us dearly! Long live the European superstate! Long live the EUSSR! Do swidanja, liberty! We do not need the Sovjets to repeat their model!
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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