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Old 09-06-14, 12:16 AM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2014
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Default Re: Crash Dive game

Thanks for the Heads up about this game and the review.

Will look into it, down the track. I have to admit, I haven't played Aces of the Deep, etc.

Er..! alittle, behind the 8 ball, on some games, to date.
(non Sub ones, too.)

Pardon, to you all for that.

You will just have to Heel Haul me, Tie me to the Mast, for punishment.

Or worse still, KP duty (kitchen "patrol"?) for the next 6 months.

No, no, not cleaning out the "Head" for six months and the pipes, too.

Anything, but that, Oh please.

I am still so badly stuck in SH 5, as per you don't want to know.

So bad, I am playing other games, presently. All not Naval, or Land warfare games. (er..! for fun, Dr Who. Ha! as an example.)

And what's this WOTA one???

May I throw in, that I am sure you are all aware on Steam a game coming called "Victory at Sea."

Which??? Kinda looks similar??

Now, I am not having a go at Crash Dive or Naval Fleet 2.

Just that this Steam one, looks similar????

Check it out, and see what you think.

Take care, all.

"Now hear, this, Mermaids off the Port Bow, Whoo Hoo!
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