Thread: way too hard!
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Old 08-22-14, 05:52 PM   #5
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I only use time compression to travel long distances, or sometimes to help just get me in range a little faster. Once the action begins TC is used to speed up the torpedo until it gets close enough to strike, then I slow it down to watch the ship get hit.
If I am the hunted, I almost never use TC, I do it 1:1 until they (hopefully) lose interest and go away.
A lot of real time can tick off the clock while you're evading an attack.
I played the in-game single mission "break through to gibraltar" twice, with different boats. The first was the type VII they give you (U-96 from das boot) and the second was a "let's try 'what if' " and I used the type XXI for the exact mission. In the type VII, I started it at 4pm (my time, real time), and by just after Midnight, (my time, real time) we pulled into La Spezia. I was so intent on avoiding the english fleet that 8 actual hours went by without my noticing.
That same trip in the Type XXI took 2 actual hours.
Above all, never use TC when being depth charged, too much happens too fast for you to react and it is almost certainly 'fatal'...
Because I'm the captain, that's why!
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