Thread: way too hard!
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Old 08-21-14, 10:51 PM   #1
Grey Wolf
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Default way too hard!

I've played this game for years, I come and go when I get the bug and just recently came back. I've always loved SH4 for many reasons but I think I JUST NOW realized why. It's not insanely hard!

its a perfect balance of killing some juicy targets and barely escaping. But this game while im sure great in realism, is just way too hard!
It's 1942, yes the dd's are now improved and ready to kill me, but, I can NEVER survive!
if I see a convoy I know I will die, no matter what. I can maybe get a kill or 2, then dive to great depths, 200M or more, I run my motors at 50rpms, 5 degrees turning left and right, throw decoys out, time compress some, and dead.

Ok, try again, this time when I get the message of depth charges in the water, I change course harder, increase speed, it works a little, time compress.. DEAD!

No matter how hard I try, im always gonna die.
I've read many books, and even in 1942, skippers were still doing surface attacks in convoys(at night of course) ,you couldn't dare to in this game.

I can't even get close to the convoy let alone in the middle of one without getting detected. I try from the side surface, detected. From behind, detected, from the front, you guessed it.. Detected!

I try submerged with all angles, detected.
I dive to 220M and JUST SIT THERE in front of them.. before the convoy is even close "Enemy is pinging us"


I just wish there was a good balance, with the amount of great mods out there is there some how an easier one?

I'm running NYGM right now and the hard coded patches.

I mean, do I really have to take the real life 10 hours and not use time compression? is there a trick? or a mod?

thanks guys!
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