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Old 08-08-14, 03:22 PM   #129
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In German:

This is the analysis of a retired German Lufthansa flight captain who reports his conclusions on the so far publicly available photos of the wreckage pieces. Or better the once available pics that meanwhile were removed or disappeared mysteriously.

He points out that planes at the cockpit are build by thicker aluminium plates to harden them against the possibility of birdstrike, than at other parts of the plane.

He then points out that on those pics that show the skin around the cockpit, round both entry and exit holes are to be seen on parts of both cockpit sides. This m,eans: the cockpit has been fired on from two sides.

Such holes are not to be seen on pics from other parts of the aircraft.

This leads to the assumption that the cockpit was heavily fired on by armour breaking ammunition, judging by the size of the holes possibly in the 30mm range.

He then points out that there are reports from Russian radar surveillance that an Ukrainian SU-25 was in the very close vicinity of the airplane. Aloso, aSpansih radar controller gave a report on two Ukrainian jets quickly approaching the flight. He shows that the usual operation altitude of the SU-27 is around 7000m (which is being given as an argument that the SU25 could not have reached the Malaysian airliner flying ,much higher), but the maximum possible flight altitude for the SU-25 in easier configuration 14600 meters.

Also: the SU-25 is armed with a double cannon calibre 30mm, with 250 rounds. The plane is a tank eater and CAS specialist, something like the American A-10.

He finally hints at the fact that visually the MH17 airplane and the Russian presidential machine have quite similiar looking painting schemes, sharing some same colours as well - in other words, to the unknowing eye the planes could be mistaken for each other. Putin, at the time of the shot-down, was in midair, 200-300 km away - seen with the eyes of pilots, especially pilots of military aircraft, that is no big difference at all.

Add to this all the general hostile situation, the provoking visit of Putin on the Crimean, and the general hate of the Kiew government (Remember Timoshenko once wishing she could shoot Putin in the head?) for Putin.

The author also points out that the Americans have said that there possibly happened a target misidentification. They never said who mistook what for what, however.

This all together allows to formulate a theory on this possible scenario: the Ukrainian government decided to shoot down the plane of Putin in order to kill him. They used at least one SU-25 to be able afterwards to try to argue that the SU-25 could not have reached the airliner. Possibly, there was also an attack by a second flight from the other side, possibly simultaneously. The pilots found the airliner instead of Putins plane, got close to get a visual ID, and mistook the Malaysian plane for the Russian presidential plane. He then opened fire with his cannon at the cockpit to bring down the plane without treacherous missile parts telling the story, the flight deck crew was instantly killed and the plane was destroyed by explosive decompression. The ammunition of the SU-25 is armour-.breaking and explosive as well, leading to a huge amount of explosions in the cockpit area. This would explain the dramatic level of destruction at the cockpit that could be concluded on by pics of wreckage parts from the cockpit. The explosive decompression of the entire airframe at high speed and high altitude would explain why the wreckage is scattered over such a huge area.

Russian media for some time reported that there was an attack being carried out against Putin. I think these reports have been silenced fast, or not?! Which is logical, if Putin does not want to be forced under the eyes of his people to jump into an invasive war against the Ukraine. If Russia would admit their president was tried by another country to be assassinated, they would not have much other choice then to go to open war.

If it happened like this, we most certainly will never be told.

The German author mentiones that the Spanish radar controller who saw two Ukrainian aircraft hurrying towards MH17 and gave a report on that, has completely disappeared and could not be found, reached or talked to. He also finds it suspicious, that Google'S picture pool of images showing wreckage of the plane, seems to have seen a massive clean-up - many of the pics he used for his analysis are no longer available on the internet.

I withhold an own opinion on all this, since the author is an unknown variable to me, only that he indeed was flying airliners for Lufthansa is certain for me. I searched for him in a different context, when checking a book on the financial crisis he wrote (after retirement he turned for economic history). I found some irritating remarks by him that were somewhat glossing over Islam and painting it as the peacefull, tolerable, unable-to-do-harm relgion that we all know it never was or is. This irritation led me to do some more research on the man, and I finally found this text by him on MA17 that I have linked.

P.S. Edit: I said the airframe was not showing shots, just the cockpit was heavily peppered, but tzher eis one exscpetion, one of the wings shows what the author rates as a grazing shot.

I wonder why everybody is still talking about a missile hit from the ground when seeing those obvious bullet holes. Missiles do not split in midair into several projectiles that then home for the target like flying shrapnels and catch it in a pince-manouver from two opposing directions.

I earlier siad the most likely scneario was a separatist misidnetioficaqiton opf taregts and then shhoting the plane down with a SAM. I change my view due to the photos with the entry and exost holes that I see hard to be explained by wreckage pieces. The most likely scneario seems to be the theory above: an Ukrainian target misidentification during the attempt to kill Putin, and then shooting down the plane with cannons from two directions with at least two attacking aircraft. - Blame the Ukrainians, I say. They played foul over the sniper incidents on the Maidan as well.

Like over Georgia, Russia gets the blame here as well. And like over Georgia, unjustified.

Oh, and just a formality. If the scenario described is true, I could not criticise Russia if it decides to engage in full invasion against the Ukraine. Every state able to react militarily would react with war if another state tries assassinating its presidents.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 08-08-14 at 04:00 PM.
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