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Old 03-22-06, 08:50 AM   #5
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Well, the problems of Sonalysts regarding ressources for patching efforts are not reserved to them - others face the same problems, even at higher degrees, sometimes.

With regard to the complexity, I would not agree on stating that SBP is the less complex software code. You have to calculate viewing distances of up to 5 km in a truly 3dimensional environment modulated with a complex terrain surface and complex obstacle structures affecting line of sights, you have a VERY complex ballistics and armour model, and the combination of a script-based and a micromanaging AI. It is something different than the sonar model and sensor models in DW, but as long as the two lead programmers do not compare their stuff I would be careful in saying this or that sim is the more complex one.

I have dealt with DW quite a bit during last year, after I got it, and tested the subs very much (and tried the other platforms as well), which was not so difficult to get into, since the basic handling layout I already knew from SC. I do not claim to have become an expert for DW. The sparkles, however, did not lit a fire. Agreed, I did not spend the same ammount of time with 103 like with default DW, or with SC (that realy consumed a good ammount of my time), but when I get greeted with some issues as I described in a thread some weeks ago, even on game start, and repeated play shows the same symptoms that I described in that thread, then this certainly is something that turns me off very early after that long wait.


In the thread Jamie was quoting from, something else was stated as well, and I quote to limit the danger that we get a hostile rivalry between the submarine- and tank-forum on this board:

Okay, I expected that a comparison between SC/DW and SBP would come up on this board sooner or later, and I said what I have to say, and others did that, too. But we do not want a forum war here about people's preferences for this or that sim of their choice. So I would like to see this comparison beeing left behind now.
From the debates in DW-forum we know that things easily could get hot, so please everybody: do not let this happen here. Since and are partner sites, both DW and SBP forums will live under the same roof in this place. Let it be a peaceful coexistence, please.

For that reason I would like to no longer participate in this dicussion myself anymore, and do not post my criticism in the DW-section anymore, since months. So, everyone: feel free to keep on discussing this topic as long as it does not turn too hot, but please understand that I stay away from it, for the most.
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