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Old 08-05-14, 01:25 PM   #37
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I have written this before

Your country may have a huge airforce but a country like mine Sweden can't effort the luxury to have 10-20-30 or more fighter jets standing on the ground for 5-6 hours or more depending on what type of loadout.

We have more than just 1(ONE) crew per plane and we have more than 2 pilots per plane.

So when I JAS39 takes ground a team of mechanics and trained soldiers take care of the jet, while the pilot get a coffee break and get information about the next target. Or a new fresh pilot takes over(and he get information before the plane toke ground)

We can't have that luxury.

I wish I had some of the old issues of Ingenjören(the Engineer) and Dagens teknik(today's technology) ´cause in these issues there was a alot about this new Swedish fighter JAS39. And the very HARD demand the Swedish government put on the flight engineer working at SAAB.

Instead of believing me I would, if I was you, the Dev team behind Command, send an email to a Swedish Airbase, e.g F17 Ronneby and ask the leader there how long it take to ready a JAS39 when it comes ot SEAD-loadout, AAW-Loadout, Air-to-ground-loadout and ASUW-loadout and how long it takes to make some type of repair.

I Can't tell if these information is a secret or not.

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