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Old 08-04-14, 04:52 PM   #276
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This is what terrorists aim to accomplish, and it seems they succeeded. No one trusts each other any more. What would otherwise be considered normal innocent behaviour is now perceived as a potential threat. And personal freedom takes a toll.
This brings to mind the WWII exploits of Waffen SS "SS-Standartenführer" Otto Skorzeny, specifically Operation Greif. Suspicions did more damage than Skorzeny's team actions themselves.

"A handful of his men were captured and spread a rumour that Skorzeny personally was leading a raid on Paris to kill or capture General Dwight Eisenhower, who was not amused by having to spend Christmas 1944 isolated for security reasons. Eisenhower retaliated by ordering an all-out manhunt for Skorzeny, with "Wanted" posters distributed throughout Allied-controlled territories featuring a detailed description and a photograph."
"The bureaucracy is expanding, to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy." - Leonard Nimoy
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