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Old 07-24-14, 04:12 PM   #1
Fleet Admiral
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Default A scenario there never was

This is a story from the earlier days of NWP who was a great upgrade to Jane's Fleet Command(played it on a XP-computer)

Was watching some kind of documentary on some channel. It was about end times, Armageddon etc

Few hours later I was sitting by my computer, playing Fleet Command, when I suddenly remembered this documentary

Ended the scenario I was playing and went into the Mission Editor

From there I built out from every American Carrier there was available CVBG-groups and lots and lots of SAG-groups. I used every carrier, DDG, DD, FFG, FF a.s.o(Used Wiki to help me)

I guessed there would be battle at sea in the North Atlantic, Mediterranean and in the Chinese sea

I placed a few CVBG-groups in each of these oceans and a lot of SAG there too.

Not to forget Sub.

I also made CVBG-groups and sag groups from other NATO-countries and placed them nearby. except some English and french which I placed in the Chinese sea(if I remember it correctly)

Made even airfield a.s.o a.s.o

Then I stopped. after been working for hours and not even halfway done

I stopped because I Really didn't knew who would be the good guys and who would be the bad guys

I just remembered a important thing. I couldn't make it into one mission had to divided into three different mission one for the North Atlantic and one for Chinese sea and one for....


Last edited by mapuc; 07-24-14 at 04:33 PM.
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