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Old 07-09-14, 01:04 PM   #21
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To kilorocky thank you will look into it later.

Some one said in this thread(Can't remember who) people forget that there ain't so many sortier(something like that)

When I read that I remember my dear Uncle, who died in the beginning of this century. He was a sailor and he was the first 4 days of the first iraqi war at some harbour in SA and he told me this
"There was fighter Jets taking off and landing ALL the time around the clock"

Made a search "Sortier during first Iraq war"

found this page

Day 6: Monday, Jan. 21
  • U.S. officials say despite more than 8,000 sorties in five days
Now how many aircraft-Fighters/bombers* did USA have in this first Iraqi war?

* F-4 F-14, F-15 F-17 F-18 a.s.o
Here is what it says on a wiki page
"The aerial strike force was made up of over 2,250 combat aircraft, which included 1,800 US aircraft,"

Found this from a wiki page

The coalition flew over 100,000 sorties

This answer was just to tell you that in case of a war the amount of sortier is WAY higher than in peacetime. And if there's would be time to let some of these 2250 plane be standing on the ground for 6-10 hours

This is my last post in this thread.

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