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Old 07-06-14, 12:12 PM   #1
Captain Pippo
Posts: n/a
Default Captain Pippo reporting for duty, Hello Everyone!!!!

Hello all,
I finally decided to join in with the Subsim Radioroom community as it already brought me so much help with SH4, which I'm definitely in love with.
Being a huge sim fan (grinded my teeth with the old flight simulator back in the 90's and with X2 and X3 merchant only more recently), and owning an old and smoking PC, it was only destiny that brought me to the SH series.
I did play SH3 only a little bit as I heard and read everywhere that it was by far the best one but eventually moved to SH4 for the better graphics (my good old machine cannot handle SH5).
I am one for the ultimate sim experience, for example I forbid myself to compress time. and let the game run in a corner of my living room (thankfully I have a very understanding spouse) it really had to the drama when contact with another ship is made. Left Australia last week and should be reaching destination in a couple of days to begin the hunt, for example.
In addition, I would really like to thank Fred8615 wherever he his for his radio and music mod (I was stunned by the amount of work put in such a simple mod).
Anyway, that's me
Happy to be here

PS: if any of you have recommendation for good simple mods to add to the experience I am all hear (I'm only running patch 1.4, though).
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