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Old 06-28-14, 04:34 AM   #255
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Cologne, Germany
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Hello everybody,

first of all I really like Sub Commander. It really is a rare gem and has so much more potential! I just hope you stick to the roots when adding more features, so it keeps it's flair. Right now I really look forward to the next version and I can't wait for it to be realeased.

Now to my questions: Do the Radiation Suits reallly work? Because when I got a radiation leak from a damaged Coolant Pump and I send someone in to repair it, he get's several thousand mSv radiation and later dies, no matter if he is wearing a Radiation Suit and Leather Gloves with Gas Mask or Breathing Apparatus or both. Bug or feature?
At the moment I surface the boat and close the air valves in every room but the reactor chamber snd then open the Main Induction Valve to get radiation out. Is this the only way?

And what are the Chemical Suits used for? Ok, to protect from chemicals, but in what situation are they useful?

Keep up the good work The Geoff. you're making a lot of people happy and anxious for the next release.
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