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Old 06-26-14, 04:20 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by succerpunch View Post
So I typed into google (Other search engine are available) "Jimmy Hoffa Enimga Rising Tide multiplayer" and know I feel like an idiot but has some stuff on mutiplayer but then again the forum is locked with a password which in my non-extra ordinary life will never get , If I found out the source code or/and engine the game uses I might be able to make mods for the game.
OMG, that made my day. So, the dirty secret is, the multi player code never worked. Only was stable for ~ 5 minutes. So, if you got that working.... good luck with that.

I think the engine software was intrinsic (sp).

Dirty secret #2, ERT is not very mod friendly. There were some out there, but, if I recall not very many
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