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Old 05-28-14, 07:18 PM   #5283
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Default Distant Waters Resupply

Originally Posted by test_m4a1 View Post

I have a question to You! I have started "Distant Waters" mission and my question is - where, or how to re-fuel my U-96?

The closest port is Dakar but its too far from Carraiben Oil area...

Maybe from U-tanker if it exist?
I too worried about this as I made my way out of the straits of Gibraltar... My passage plan was to cruise to Dakar to re supply, then cross the Atlantic at optimum speed, and hope BdU would send re-supply.

As I approached Tenerif, I received a radio message from the BdU that a re supply ship would be on station near Cap Verde islands from Sept to Oct, so I altered course accordingly.

As I approached Cap Verde, I decided to test the "request re supply fix" and send a request by radio. I was delighted that BdU responded with coordinates of a "milk cow" u-boat in my vicinity, which I then had to track down using a combination of radio direction finder and sonar (weather was atrocious, storm force winds and huge seas). I never actually saw the milk cow, but got close enough to refit.

Be advised that this will probably only work if you have patched your game using TheDarkWraith's patcher to fix resupply.

Good luck!


After a successful patrol of the Caribbean I was down to my last torpedo and 50% fuel so I requested resupply. Those bastards at BdU denied my request, leaving my only option to make for Dakar for refit/resupply. I couldn't believe the BdU would not send further reinforcements and supplies to support the Distant Waters campaign - there's no way a handful of subs could complete the missions by the deadline making such huge crossings every time they need to refit - so I sent further requests for resupply, only to be denied again, and again, and again... I gave up for a few days, and then a few hundred miles east of the Caribbean I tried again and received coordinates to rendezvous with a Ditmarschen resupply ship a few hundred miles further east. Some dead reckoning and a few RDF fixes later, I was alongside for refit and refuel. Interestingly, my crew didn't seem to spot the resupply ship, even though it was clearly visible to me (it's enormous), and the weather was fine with no wind. Travel mode was disabled. Maybe I TC'd too much, although I keep it under 512 when I'm expecting company.

My advice to other skippers: manage your fuel as if you will need it to reach your nearest friendly port (i.e. sail at 7-8 knots on long passages, note how much you use on the outbound journey and keep at least this much in reserve for return passage). When you need resupply, plot your course for the nearest friendly port, but send a request for resupply every day or so until BdU come through for you. Plot a new course for the rendezvous point, and when you're within 100 miles or so, start using your RDF ("request nearest radio contact") to home in on the ship. If you're still having difficulties, submerge and use hydrophones to locate it - it will probably be patrolling very slowly. Don't rely solely on your lookouts - they get a bit lazy in the middle of the Atlantic so far from expected enemy contact. Jump onto the bridge and take a look for yourself when you think you're in range. Once spotted, manouvre as if you are going alongside - you need to be quite close before the refit option appears.

Last edited by simonf; 05-29-14 at 06:50 PM.
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