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Old 05-19-14, 12:05 PM   #5265
Posts: n/a
Default Solved Original CTDs - no luck with EUF though

As per my post, I had been having CTD problems after upgrading TDW’s stuff and OHII.

After probably over 50 campaign restarts while testing, I finally tracked down the problem to TDW’s options file and the patched files. I suspected a problem with the options file after merging it with the old one, even though I never had merge problems before, so I reinstalled all my TDW mods fresh, and updated the options file from scratch. I used the patcher to only patch what I needed and what didn’t require extra patch mods, and only did those things that required menu.txt to be updated if it wasn’t there already. I also had to leave out SubFlags, since it’s no longer compatible . I haven’t completed the Danzig mission in testing, but have run it long enough to "assume" that it doesn’t CTD now. When I do eventually start my campaign proper, I’ll know soon enough if I can get to Kiel or not without CTD.

As for my “TDW no hydrophone on the surface” problem, I now use “R.E.M XTB - no hydrophone on surface” and “R.S.D. & R.E.M. - GHG no hyd on surface”, which appears to have resolved that issue. I don't run R.S.D., btw.

So, with that finally done, I thought about my discussion with Peter and figured I’d try to get TheBeast’s EUF mod working (although to no avail). I use the main mod, Patch 1, HotFix and sobers v9 patch, followed by EUF FX, all in that order. I tried to readjust my mod soup order to align as closely with sober’s list with all the mods that I use that he also uses (or made). I don’t use everything he uses, nor do I take the same realism approach.

First odd thing I noticed is that with EUF, the Danzig mission begins at either 0800 or 1100 as opposed to 1600 without it. I have no clue why. Does anyone else know? This doesn’t appear to be a major issue as it allows you more time to get to the patrol zone, but if there are underlying problems with that, I wouldn’t know.

****EDIT: May 21****

With over 50 campaign restarts where I didn't have EUF running, the mission always began at 1600. With EUF, it's as I noted above. Now that I have EUF out of the mod list, and I started a new campaign proper, adding my own custom emblem mod, the mission begins at 1300. Removing that emblem mod, it returns to a 1600 start time. Whut thu? So it must be something related to editing the equipment.upc or upgradepacks.upc that affects this, wouldn't you think?

*****END EDIT******

The main problem is that after completing the first objective (like my original problem), and after at least one escort gets sunk, I get CTD. As mentioned earlier, without EUF, I don’t get any CTD. I didn’t have luck with this mod a couple of years ago and still don’t, so unfortunately, it appears that I’ll have to go without it again, since I am tired of testing and restarting campaigns . I read somewhere that Defiance restarted over 50 campaigns as well trying to track down CTDs, so at least I wasn't alone in the asylum .. hehehe.

Trevally, regarding the mission itself, I noticed that after sending in my contact report, BdU responds with the “Attack any Polish shipping ... “ message almost 3 hours earlier, contradicting the earlier FdU message “Start of hostilities against Poland 0445...” that usually comes in between 1830 and 1930. What’s the situation with that? Does the second message override the first? Also, it appears that after 0100, Poland units turn red on the map and the escorts become hostile already if they see us. Also in regards to that FdU message, maybe you can replace the commas before Attitude, No, and Boats, with a period and space, so that it can look tidier, and maybe even change the time and date to read something like at 0445 on 1/9. I remember the first time I saw that, I was confused, because I wasn't used to time and date jumbled together. That's just my suggestion.

After all these campaign loads that I’ve done while testing, I think I have spent more time in Danzig than the real 7. Infanterie Division did back in 1945.


Last edited by 7Infanterie19; 05-21-14 at 10:51 AM.
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