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Old 05-13-14, 11:31 AM   #5253
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Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER View Post
Hi 7Infanterie19

If you read the document for FX_Update_0_0_22 you must select one of the patch files.

If you were to use FX_Update_0_0_21 then there are no patch files.
Hi Peter,

I read the readme and TDW's thread for v0022, and didn't see any mention anywhere that we "must" select one of the torpedo patch files. Are you 110% sure? IMO, those patch files are optional AFAIK. Patches are a must only if you apply the associated setting (that requires the patch) in the patcher. Maybe someone else can pipe in and clear this up for us.

Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER View Post

The fixes and glitch mods should be used whether or not you are using OH II
Which ones are you referring to?

Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER View Post

Sub Flags is a contentious issue as Raven did some tweaking with this mod as it was causing ctd’s.

I notice that on his last mod list although he has IRAI 0_0_39 Sub Flags is missing.
I agree from what I have read and experienced. I have removed it for the time being to take it out of the equation so I can focus on whatever else is causing CTDs. I'm hoping that TDW will not let that mod die and gets it back to being compatible with everything.

In the meantime, I've been trying to get this all sorted out. It's a tedious process finding the source of CTDs as you know. I hope to find my solution soon or I'll reluctantly have to go back to my OHII v2.4 setup in which I had everything working like a charm.

Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER View Post
It’s a natural progression to update mods as they become available as they are either making enhancements or are fixing problems that have cropped up in the previous version.
lol .. not for me. Sometimes these updated mods cause me more headaches than good.

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