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Old 05-05-14, 07:26 PM   #142
Join Date: May 2014
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I found this game via a roguelike thread in the GamersWithJobs forums (which is an amazing place):

First, I just have to say that it completely blew me away in terms of awesomeness, presentation, surprises, complexity, and fun. The detail is fantastic, and I'm looking forward to more updates.

Second, I was messing around with game options and encountered a few bugs. I'm not sure which option(s) caused this issue, but I changed
player_nation = USA
sub_reliability = 90
advanced_damage_model = 0
sub_radar_model = 2
And whenever I start a game like this, I cannot use the periscope at all. The game doesn't crash, but an officer will go to the periscope and nothing will happen. Also with these settings, the Misc Panel that should list damaged systems never lists anything, no matter what goes wrong.

Third, the game pegs my CPU usage, even when it's at the main menu, and even when alt-tabbed. Slowing it down or pausing when alt-tabbed would be nice. It kills my CPU even before I've started a game. This is on win XP.

Some general interface suggestions:
Where possible, please show current heading, speed, depth and desired heading speed and depth, and depth under keel on more screens. It may not be "realistic" to show all of this info on all of the nav/periscope/map/main screens, but I think it would make it more playable.
Similarly, being able to use -/+ to change depth from other screens would be handy, too. Alternatively, change -/+ keys for depth to some other keys, or change the -/+ keys for menu up/down to some other keys so that you can change your depth from anywhere, even in a menu.
When a seaman is getting equipment, hitting backspace should take you back to the "view crew member" menu, so that you can immediately assign them to work, instead of having to hit 'v' again.
If you hit 'z' a second time on a crew man, they should go back to their post, instead of to the bunks and then back to post.
Pressing Enter over the equipment storage should give you a list of current equipment in storage, and maybe show the equipment that has been taken and who has it.

Now general suggestions/enhancements:
Be able to store preferred depths or speeds and recall them
Have crew automatically move to another tile of fire or repairs when they finish a tile
Have crew automatically return to positions after all fires or repairs are completed in their current room.
Pop up a message warning when you assign a crew to go inside a room with high rad count and they don't have a rad suit on, or low O2 and they don't have SCBA.
Another blinking color for crew that indicates that they are not feeling normal (e.g. - dizzy, fever, etc). So you don't have to keep cycling through your crew to know if something is wrong.
Of course, a pause button that still allows you to view the game would be great. But that could be an option you set before you start a game.

That laundry list should keep you busy for a while. ;-)

Is there a maximum that reliability can be set to?
Do rad suits prevent breathing in irradiated air?
How long after you scram a reactor does it stop producing radiation?

Super huge thank you for making such an amazing and interesting sim!
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