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Old 04-15-14, 02:51 PM   #59
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Default Convoy Hunting For Ships In The Same Row By Stoianm

Last updated 31st December 2014

Convoy Hunt For Ships In The Same Row - Tutorial Video's - With Real Navigation And 100% Realism In SH5 > Step By Step Instructions.

This ‘Tutorial’ by ‘Stoianm’ shows you how to attack ‘3 Targets in a ‘Row’ simultaneously.

‘My Tutorial’ can be used in conjunction with ‘Stoianm’s 4 video’s’ that make up his ‘Tutorial’ or as a standalone replacing ‘Stoianm’s Data’ with your own.

If you are using ‘Map Contacts’ then you will need to disregard parts of this tutorial but you will still need to know how to take the different bearings.

(Leave the ‘TAI Map’ ‘Minimised instead of ‘Closing’ it.

Link to video 1 (10 minutes)

1. ‘Speed’ > 0.

2. ‘Navigator’ ‘Position Fix’ > 52 degrees.

3. U-Boat > ‘Periscope Depth.’

4. Search for > Convoy.

5. ‘Contact Bearing’ > 301 degrees.

6. Go to > ‘Battle Stations.’

7. With ‘Periscope Up.’

8. ‘Lock on Target’ with the ‘Space Bar.’

9. Go to the > ‘Gunner Icon.’

10. ‘Follow Selected Target.’

11. ‘Ships Identification.’

12. ‘Toggle > Charts Icon.’

13. ‘Ship Recognition Manual.’

14. ‘Send Mast Height to > TDC.’

15. Toggle > ‘Charts Icon.’

16. ‘Stopwatch.’

17. Wait for the ‘Bearing’ in the ‘TDC’ to change from 311 to 312 degrees.

18. ‘Pause Game.’

19. Open > ‘TAI Map.’

20. Select the > ‘Ruler’ and draw the U-boats ‘Heading’ > 52 degrees.

21. ‘Zoom out for Accuracy.’

22. Bearing Calculation > 360 – 312 = 48 degrees on the left.

23. Select the > ‘Protractor’ and draw out the > 48 degrees.

24. Close the > ‘TAI Map.’

25. Move the > ‘Periscope Line’ on to the > ‘Targets Waterline.’

26. Click the > ‘Mouse’ to > lock the ‘Periscope.’

27. Go to > ‘Range.’

28. Go to > ‘Stadimeter.’

29. ‘Stadimeter > shows the ‘Range’ > 5050 meters.

30. ‘Open the > ‘TAI Map.’

31. Select the > ‘Compass’ and draw out the > 5050 meters.

32. ‘Zoom out for Accuracy.’

33. Select the > ‘Marker’ and ‘Mark’ an ‘X’ where the lines intercept.

34. Start the > ‘Stopwatch.’

35. The > ‘Stopwatch’ will be stopped after > 5minutes.

36. ‘Un-Pause Game.’

37. Do not > ‘Erase’ any > Marks’ we will use these again.

38. ‘5 Minutes’ have now gone’

39. ‘Pause Game.’

40. ‘TDC Bearing’ after ‘5 Minutes’ is showing >322 degrees.

41. Bearing Calculation > 360 – 322 = 38 degrees on the left.

42. Open the > ‘TAI Map.’

43. Take the > ‘Protractor’ and reposition to > 38 degrees.

44. ‘Zoom out for Accuracy.’

45. Close the > ‘TAI Map.’

46. Go to > ‘Range.’

47. Move > ‘Periscope Line’ on to the > ‘Targets Waterline.’

48. Click the >‘Mouse’ to > lock the ‘Periscope.’

49. Select > ‘Range.’

50. The > ‘Stadimeter’ shows the > ‘Range’ > 4450 meters.

51. Open the > ‘TAI Map.’

52. Select the > ‘Compass.’

53. Reposition the > ‘Compass’ to show > 4450 meters.

54. ‘Zoom for Accuracy.’

Link to video 2 (10 Minutes)

55. Select the > ‘Marker’ and > ‘Mark’ an ‘X’ where the lines intercept.

56. Select the > ‘Eraser’ and just leave the > ‘2 X Marks.’

57. Select the > ‘Ruler.’

58. From the > ‘1st X’ draw through the > ‘2nd ‘X’ and past the > ‘U-Boat.’

59. ‘Zoom out for Accuracy.’

60. Select the > ‘Compass and measure the distance between the > ‘2 Marks’ shows > 1000 meters.

61. Toggle the > ‘Charts Icon.’

62. Select the > ‘Speed in Minutes’ chart.

63. Look at the > ‘5 Minute’ column.

64. The > ‘Convoy Speed’ is showing > 6 Knots.

65. Toggle the > ‘Charts Icon.’

66. Select the > ‘Protractor.’

67. Draw > 90 degrees out from the > ‘U-Boat’ to the > ‘Targets Course Line.’

68. ‘Zoom out for Accuracy.’

69. ‘Un-Pause Game.’

70. Adjust if necessary > ‘Protractor.’

71. ‘Minimise’ the > ‘TAI Map.’

72. Order > ‘Silent Running.’

73. Select the > ‘Ruler’ and take a > ‘Bearing’ on the > U-Boats’ ‘Course Line.’ > 45 degrees.

74. Order > ‘Ahead Slow.’

75. Adjust the > ‘Compass or ‘Rudder’ until the > ‘Course’ is adjusted to > 44 degrees.

76. ‘AOB’ > 90 degrees.

77. ‘Scope Bearing’ > 0 degrees.

78. Order > ‘All Stop.’

79. While the > U-Boat is slowing down is good opportunity to set up the > ‘Torpedoes.’

80. ‘Stoianm’ is going to fire > ‘3 Torpedoes’ at > 3 Different Targets.

81. If the ‘Targets’ ‘Scope Bearing’ is at > 355 degrees > 360 – 355 = 5 degrees.

82. ‘AOB’ > 90 – 5 = 85 degrees.

83. The selection in a case like this is > 1 Slow - 2 Med - 3 Fast.

84. ‘AOB’ is automatically adjusted on the next 2 targets because of the ‘AOB’ on ‘Target 1.’

85. Set the > ‘Torpedo Depths to 3 Meters.’

86. It is important to set the 3 attacks spaced properly so as to get simultaneous hits.

87. Set to > ‘Impact Detonation.’

88. Minimise the > ‘TAI Map.’

89. Set the > ‘Periscope’ to > 0 degrees.

90. Set the > ‘AOB’ to > 90 degrees.

91. Set the > ‘Speed to 6 Knots.’

Link to Video 3 (10 Minutes)

Target 1

92. Select the > ‘3 Targets.’

93. ‘Pause Game.’

94. ‘Lock on > Target 1’ with the > ‘Space Bar.’

95. Go to the > ‘Gunner Icon’

96. ‘Follow Selected Target.’

97. ‘Ships Identification.’

98. ‘Toggle > Chart Icon.’

99. ‘Ships Recognition Manual.’

100. ‘Un-Pause Game.’

101. ‘Send the > Mast Height to the TDC.’

102. ‘Toggle > Chart Icon.’

103. ‘Pause Game.’

104. Move > ‘Periscope Line’ on to the > ‘Targets Waterline.’

105. Click the > ‘Mouse’ to lock the > ‘Periscope.’

106. Go to > ‘Range.’

107. The > ‘Stadimeter’ shows the > ‘Range’ > 2900 meters.

108. Move the > ‘Periscope’ to show > 4 degrees.

109. AOB is > 90 + 4 = 94 degrees

110. ‘Un-Pause Game.’

111. Fire 1 > Slow.

112. Unselect > ‘Follow Target.’

Target 2

113. Select > ‘Torpedo 2.’

114. Select > ‘Target 2’ with the > ‘Periscope.’

115. Lock on > Target’ with the > ‘Space Bar.’

116. ‘Pause Game.’

117. Go to the > ‘Gunner Icon’

118. ‘Follow Selected Target.’

119. ‘Ships Identification.’

120. Toggle > Chart Icon.’

121. ‘Ships Recognition Manual.’

122. ‘Un-Pause Game.’

123. ‘Send the > Mast Height to the TDC.’

124. ‘Toggle > Chart Icon.’

125. ‘Pause Game.’

126. Move > ‘Periscope Line’ on to the > ‘Targets Waterline.’

127. Click the > ‘Mouse’ to lock the > ‘Periscope.’

128. Go to > ‘Range.’

129. The > ‘Stadimeter’ shows the >‘Range’ > 3100 meters.

130. Bearing Showing > ‘356 degrees.’

131. Move the > ‘Periscope’ to show > 356 degrees.

132. AOB is > 90 - 4 = 86 degrees

Link to Video 4 (8 Minutes)

133. ‘Un-Pause Game.’

134. Fire 2 > Medium.

135. Unselect > ‘Follow Target.’

Target 3

136. Select > ‘Torpedo 3.’

137. Select > ‘Target 3’ with the > ‘Periscope.’

138. Lock on > Target’ with the > ‘Space Bar.’

139. Go to the > ‘Gunner Icon’

140. ‘Follow Selected Target.’

141. ‘Pause Game.’

142. ‘Ships Identification.’

143. Toggle > Chart Icon.’

144. ‘Ships Recognition Manual.’

145. ‘Un-Pause Game.’

146. ‘Send the > Mast Height to TDC.’

147. ‘Toggle > Chart Icon.’

148. ‘Pause Game.’

149. Move > ‘Periscope Line’ on to the > ‘Targets Waterline.’

150. Click the > ‘Mouse’ to lock the > ‘Periscope.’

151. Go to > ‘Range.’

152. The > ‘Stadimeter’ shows the > ‘Range’ > 2900 meters.

153. Bearing Showing > ‘351 degrees.’

154. Move the > ‘Periscope’ to show > 351 degrees.

155. 360 – 351 = 9 degrees

156. ‘AOB’ is > 90 - 9 = 81 degrees

157. ‘Un-Pause Game.’

158. Fire 3 > Fast.

159. Unselect > ‘Follow Target.’

160. Ok ‘Captain’ now > ‘Go Silent Run Deep.’

161. ‘3 Torpedoes’ > 3 Hits.

162. Good Luck Peter.

Courtesy acknowledgement to Stoianm


Because of the length of this Tutorial I would recommend taking the following action.

Right click and shade the text.


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Keep the ‘Original’ and ‘Edit’ the ‘Copy.’

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 01-17-18 at 05:56 PM.
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