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Default Using The 4 Bearing True Method By Trevally

Last updated 21st January 2018

4 Bearing True Method Tutorial > Step By Step Instructions
It is recommended that you use this ‘Documented Tutorial’ in conjunction with the ‘First Part’ of the mod ‘Trevally Tutorial – All v0.2 (for OHII v1.3)’
This can be found by selecting ‘Tutorials’ and then ‘4 Bearings’ from the ‘Main SH5 menu.’
Select ‘Historical Missions’ >‘4 Bearing Tutorial.’
Select ‘Start’ and the Tutorial’ will then load.

This ‘Tutorial Document’ has been edited so you can use it in your game play.
It is assumed that you know how to use the map tools.
Replace the ‘Data’ you see here with your own.

1. This Tutorial is based on the first part of Trevally’s Tutorial where the 15 minute ‘Bearing Times’ have been used.
2. U-Boat speed >‘0’ Knots.
3. U-Boat > ‘Compass Bearing’ > 90 degrees.
4. U-Boat > ‘Depth’ > 25 Meters.
5. ‘Hydrophone Contact Bearing’ > 270 degrees.
6. Start > ‘Stopwatch.’
7. Time starting at ‘0 minutes for True Bearing 2.’
8. ‘Stopwatch Time’ >‘Each Bearing’ > 15 minutes.
9. ‘Plot’ > Bearing 1.
10. Convert > ‘True Bearing’ ’90 + 270 = 360 or 0’
11. Draw Bearing 1 from > ‘Navigation Fix.’
12. North > 0 degrees’
13. ‘Zoom out for accuracy.’
14. You can ‘Plot’ with ‘Game Pause’ on.
15. ‘Un-Pause Game’ to make any adjustments.
16. Draw out > ‘50km.’
17. Start ‘Stopwatch’ time > Each Bearing.
18. Trevally’ is using ‘15 minutes’ for this first example.
19. TIP >‘Compass’ place on top of the ‘Bearing 1 Line’ towards the top and draw it out towards the ‘Navigation Fix.’ ‘Zoom out for accuracy.’
20. ‘15 minutes’ later.
21. ‘Contacts > True Bearing 2’ > 56 degrees.
22. ‘Stopwatch’ started 2nd time for ‘Bearing 3.’
23. Total time ‘15 minutes.’ (True Bearing 2 > 56 degrees)
24. ‘Plot Bearing 2
25. ‘Navigation Fix’ > 56 degrees.
26. Draw out > 50km.
27. ‘Zoom out for accuracy.’
28. Take note the way ‘Contact’ is heading.
29. Bearing 2’ is ‘East of ‘Bearing 1’
30. ‘Zoom out for accuracy’
31. ‘Target’ moving > West to East.
32. ’15 minutes’ later > Bearing 3.
33. ‘Stopwatch’ started 3rd time for the ‘Predicted Bearing 4.’
34. Total time ‘30 minutes.’ (True Bearing 3 > 61 degrees)
35. As soon as we get ‘Bearing 3’ we must ‘Move the U-boat’ before we can take the ‘4th True Bearing.’
36. ‘Surface’ > U-Boat.
37. ‘Ahead Standard.’
38. Plot course ‘Towards’ and to the ‘Side’ of the last ‘Contacts Position.’
39. Bearing 61 degrees’ from > Navigation Fix.
40. Draw out ‘50km.’
41. ‘Zoom out for accuracy.’
42. To get > Contacts Heading.
43. Pick a point over half way up on the ‘Bearing 2 Line’ > ‘Mark’ with an ‘X.’
44. ‘Compass’ > on top of the ‘Bearing 3 Line’ towards the end and draw it out towards > ‘Navigation Fix.’
45. ‘Zoom out for accuracy.’
46. Take both ‘Compasses’ and place ‘Parallel Across’ the ‘X Mark’ you made on the ‘Bearing 2 Line.’
47. ‘Zoom out for accuracy.’
48. Draw a line ‘30 km’ long from where the ‘Bearings Cross’ each other.
49. Bearing Line 1 to > Bearing Line 3.
50. TIP > Sometimes it is easier to ‘Mark’ the two crossing points and then draw your line through them with the ‘Ruler.’ <
51. ‘Erase’ the > '2 Compass Circles.’
52. ‘‘Contacts Heading Line’ (CHL) > 151 degrees.
53. ‘Predict’ now > ‘Bearing 4.’
54. If the ‘Target is maintaining > Constant Speed.
55. ‘Measure’ the ‘Distance’ > ‘Compass’ between ‘Bearing 2’ > ‘Bearing 3.’
56. ‘Compass’ on > ‘X Mark’ > Bearing 2 Line.
57. ‘Compass Radius’ shows the ‘Distance’ between ‘Bearing 1’ > ‘Bearing 3’ remains constant if plotted correctly.
58. ‘Compass’ drag to where the ‘Bearing Line’ and > CHL Cross.
59. ‘Spacing’ showing on ‘Bearing 1’ and ‘Bearing 3’ must be the same.
60. The ‘Edge’ will show where to ‘Plot’ the ‘Predicted > Bearing 4.
61. Predicted Bearing 4’ > Draw so it matches the shape of the ‘Bearing 1 Line’ is to the ‘Compass Circle.’
62. ‘Predicted Bearing 4’ > Plotted.
63. ‘15 minutes’ have passed.
64. During that time we have:
65. Moved our ‘U-Boat
66. Dived
67. ‘Speed’ > 0
68. ‘Hydrophone’ > New Bearing 4.
69. ‘True Bearing > 350 degrees.’
70. Navigation Fix.
71. Stop the ‘Stopwatch no longer needed.
72. Total time 45 minutes.’(True Bearing 4 > 350 degrees)
73. Plot > Real ‘Bearing 4’.
74. Draw out ‘350 degrees’ from > Navigation Fix’ so it crosses the > Predicted Bearing 4 Line.
75. ‘Compass’ > make ‘Parallel Line’ > on 151 degrees ‘CHL’
76. ‘Compass from ‘CHL’ and place it ‘Parallel’ until it also ‘Crosses both the ‘True Bearing 4 Line’ and ‘Predicted Bearing 4 Line.’
77. This is the Line coming out from the U-Boat.
78. We now know where the ‘Target’ is.
79. ‘Compass’ > ‘Measure’ > Bearing 1 Line’ > ‘True Bearing 4 Line.’
80. ‘Target’ > ‘9,000 meters > 45 minutes.’
81. We can now find ‘Target Heading – Target Range – AOB – Speed.’
82. Go to the ‘Knots in Meters Per Minute Chart.’
83. ‘9000 meters’ > Targets Speed 6.5 Knots.
84. Although in this particular scenario ‘15 Minutes between bearings has been used you can use any time gap as long as they are the ‘Same between all Bearings.’
85. Personally I do not like to use less than 20 minutes as you need to be able to have the accuracy from the bearings you plot.
86. If the bearings are too close to each other then you will not be able to achieve this.
87. Always allow enough time for > Map Work.
88. The further away and ‘Slower the Target’ is you will need to allow ‘Longer Times’ between each ‘Bearings.’
89. Set up ‘Firing Position’ >90 degrees.
90. If playing with ‘Real Navigation’ > ‘Navigator’ > new position fix.
91. ‘Protractor’ on > ’90 degree Line’ to > New ‘CHL.’
92. Draw a line > U-Boat > ‘CHL’
93. This is > ’62 degrees’
94. ‘Firing Point’ now need to move > 4,200 meters.
95. ‘Surface the Boat.’
96. Order > ‘Ahead Slow.’
97. ‘Compass’ <> ‘Rudder’ > 62 degrees.
98. ‘Speed per Minutes Chart’ > 4,200 Meters.
99. Check set up on ‘Firing Line’ > 90 degrees.
100. Prepare your attack.
101. Good Hunting Captain.

Courtesy acknowledgement to Trevally

If you shade this Tutorial and then copy and paste it to your PC Notepad you can then edit it.

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 01-21-18 at 03:15 PM. Reason: removed text spacing
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