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Old 03-20-14, 05:18 PM   #757
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
@ Skybird, very interesting post you wrote.

I think I believe why China refuse to go with Russia proposal

China is the country who has lent USA most money and they have a lot of money "tied" in USA.

I don't think it is in China's interest to see their money go down the drain.

You missed my point. In the past they have refused the Russian proposal. They they woulkd again, is in doubt, for they prepare obviously to take over form the dollar. What the West and America - and you - perceive as them being vulnerable due to their stockpiles of American paper stuff, may it be dollars or bonds, to me is a strategy to slowly constructing the economic equivalent to a very huge nuclear bomb. Like Putin calculated Russian economic costs versus gaining the Crimea, and commander sin war caalcuater own losses versus gaining victory in battle, the Chinese may calculate that it is worth it.

BTW, the Chinese buy gold and Western economic key assets and hightech companies like crazy. They now hold probbaly over 10,000 tons in gold - enough for founding a gold currency. Actually they buy even more gold, but only a frac tion of their buyings goes into the state'S treausry, much also is for private jewelry, collectors, and industry.

The Chinese want global dominance, and America stands in their way. Go figure. And their primary way of conquest has always been not military war, but trade, and fiscal treaties. That is what made the ancient Chinese empires great, and overwhelmingly rich.

If it gives them what they want, they will swallow the losses they suffer form a dollar collapse, and push the button to start it. You should not forget that every week they already loose billions and billions due to the devaluing policy of the FED. And for some reason that remains to be an American secret, Ameria seriously thinks they will continue to just accept these enormous losses at their own cost until the end of time.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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