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Old 03-18-14, 08:10 PM   #13
The Old Man
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Any rum that gets the job done is the right rum, any port in a storm. Even if there's nothing left but port. Gonna need some before this is over, any critical depth less than 4 sinks a light cruiser just from moderate wave action, and 4 won't sink it when it settles from damage. Screwy part is I reset the BBs, CVs, and CAs to 3 - which comes out to 9.9 feet. I thought I could use 3.5 for a CA, which comes out to 11.55 feet, but it don't work.

Original inspiration for this, got a Maya with 8 eight inch guns getting hammered by three Northhamptons totalling 27 eight inch guns from the north;

With 9 more eight inch and 12 six inch guns pounding away from the south. By all that's holy 10 minutes of that should send this thing to the bottom, but it don't. While testing the career mod I had ONE MAYA versus TWELVE Northhamptons, after an hour there were four Northhamptons left floating and still firing, 30 minutes later all were sunk and the MAYA was still afloat. No reason I can find, same armor, same hit points for MAYA and NORTHHAMPTON. Eventually I gave up and replaced all but two of the enemy heavy cruisers with light cruisers, it was the only way I could get it close to balanced.

Using the guy standing up as a 5 foot yardstick, the freeboard on this thing looks like 13 to 14 feet, so if it settles to the deck edge that SHOULD be deep enough for 3.5 to trigger the cumulative damage effect. As we've seen other places they might have used Martian meters or some other measure unknown to the civilized world, so 3.0 whatever that is will be it. Until I find one sinking by itself in really heavy weather, which I can't have without running into it at random - the quick mission editor only allows a max of 29 knots of wind, meaning I can test in moderate seas but not heavy. Pass the rum.
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