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Old 03-13-14, 10:47 AM   #25
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Default TDW's NewUI 7-4-2 Installing It Correctly

Last updated 23rd April 2018

This mod more than any other seems to cause a lot of installing problems.
I am referring to where one or more Folders hide behind the Folder that is in view.

Download Link > TheDarkWraith's New UI for SH5 v7.4.2

Picture 1 > TDW’s NewUi_ 7_4_2_TheDarkWraith is a collection of 13 Mods.

Picture 2> To install this mod correctly create a New Folder.
Download the Zipped Mod File into the New Folder.
Or copy and paste the mod to the New folder if you have already down loaded it.

Picture 3 > When you unzip the file you will see this.
Click on the Copy Tab to select it

Picture 4 > Press OK to confirm you want to Copy it.

Exit > X.

Picture 5 > You now have 2 items in your New Folder.

Picture 6 > Open the Folder and you will see 3 File Folders.
Dials Folder 1 (Also contains 3 Dial’s Folders and a text ‘Readme’)
Mods Folder 2 (Contains the 13 mods)
Texts Folder 3 (In various languages shows you how the NewUI is set up)

Picture 7 > Open the Mods Folder and you will see the 13 mods.
You can copy and paste any additional mods behind the Main Base Mod (No3).
If you intend to use Real Navigation make sure this is not over written by any other enabled mod.

Picture 8 > Copy and Paste Mod number 3 to your JSGME Mods Folder.

Picture 9 > Go to your JSGME Mods Folder and open the NewUi Mod.

You should now see this.
You can now Enable the Mod in JSGME.

Snapshot gps file for TDW’s New Ui 7-4-2 Mod

Snapshot gps file for 7-4-2 Mod
Download the Zip file
Extract or Copy to the Generic Patcher Snapshot folder.
Select Restore.

Always check Mod’s for additional information in the Text Documents.

Important You Now Need To Make The Following Change
In order to receive debug messages from the ship's journal feature of the mod you need to ensure the following Developing is set out below in your:


DEVELOPING Change this to
Modding=Yes > remove ;

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 04-23-18 at 03:08 PM. Reason: replaced missing pictures
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