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Old 03-11-14, 01:43 AM   #90
The Old Man
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Test 2, Sugar boat with same modified mod with 4x damage increase. 1 TAKAO CA and one SHOKAKU CV with 2 escorts cruising around in a holding pattern.

1450 fired 1 Mark 10 at SHOKAKU and another at TAKAO aimed to hit near the bows on the assumption they would speed up when they saw the wakes. SHOKAKU slowed down instead so caught her torpedo forward and the TAKAO's fish aft.

1500 fired 1 mark 10 hit TAKAO starting Small fire aft.
Both steamed off south with one escort.

1700 remaining escort was making a nuisance of himself so up to periscope depth and sank him. Surfaced and headed south.
1740 SHOKAKU still has same angle list to port and down by the bow, no change in almost 3 hours.

TAKAO off in the distance close to shore, no sign of second destroyer.

1745 TAKAO nearly runs aground, backs her screws.

1750 induced internal explosions sink TAKAO.

1820 found second destroyer, aground and broken in half - the lubbers did that themselves, I never fired a shot at that one.

1830 closed on SHOKAKU to fire a few 4 inch 50s to see if I could set her on fire.

4th hit made her roll over and sink without any flames, so test results inconclusive on that one. TAKAO sank a bit less than 3 hours after the small fire from the single torpedo hit, but I never saw any increase in flames and can't rule out the possibility that she did run aground and added to the damage that way. Possibly the mod caused or contributed to her sinking 3 hours after a single mark 10 hit due to the small fire, but there's no way to tell for sure in this test.

Main reason I'm so interested in this is due to the game programming failing to give credit for damaged ships the way they do in real life, if an S-boat skipper hit four battleships causing slight damage and they steamed off over the horizon with no loss in speed, he would get a medal AND a party that would leave him hungover for a week. Fire all your fish into a Yamato and leave him DIW listing 20 degrees and on fire you wouldn't get the same medal you would have if you actually SUNK him, but you'd get the next one down. Other submarine simulators in the past did give about half credit for damaged ships which didn't sink, this game ignores it completely. Having a Yamato limp off at 5 knots after you run out of fish is frustrating because you might as well have wasted the torpedoes on gunboats, but if this mod can make that long gone Yamato sink from accumulated fire damage 12 hours after you last saw it this mod will be worth it's weight in Torpex.
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