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Old 03-10-14, 10:51 PM   #87
The Old Man
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Did that. In stock game a fire is burning, ship will burn for 40 days and 40 nights till the dove comes back with an olive branch, fire still burning same rate. With mod fire burns for 40 days and 39 days 23 hours 59 minutes 17 seconds, then a firecracker pops adding 1 point of damage. So I did some destructive testing, changed all the damage numbers and blast radius numbers, adding two zeros to each so damage of six became 600, blast radius 4 became 400. Ran into convoy 8 merchants with three escorts, fired 3 fish, got 3 hits, sank 10 ships. Only reason number 11 escaped he was off on a sweep several miles from ground zero.

Obviously a bit much, but at least it's conclusive proof the mod does SOMETHING besides taking up disk space, but as you said originally it might need to be tweaked for SH4. Confirm, it definitely needs to be tweaked for SH4.

So I restored the original and multiplied all numbers by 4 instead of 100, tested with the Gone Asiatic mod that starts with a raid on Manila Bay. I spent over a year working on the second version of that mod trying to get a balance between US and Japanese surface forces, but hit a Maya or Takao with one mark 14 each, stops DIW and burns at the same rate for 3 hours while sinking every US cruiser that passes by. Thousands of hits from 6 and 8 inch guns on the enemy cruiser and it just shrugs them off, continuing to hammer away at every US ship in range.

Worked better with the modified version of your mod, 2 US heavy cruisers and 3 US light cruisers eventually sunk by this one enemy cruiser, but the cumulative damage eventually sinks it with no help from me.

Last test on a KONGO class BB steaming slowly toward Corregidor, 1400 put 1 fish under the stack, stopped DIW but no fire no list.
1415 US cruiser groups open fire, starting a conflagration at the base of the bridge superstructure.
1445 all US cruisers sunk, no incoming shots but observed a secondary explosion from the bridge conflag.
1500 small fire first stack and aft upper deck near turret 3
1515 smoke from turret 1, two small fires and one medium fire envelop turret 3
1545 two large fires one small fire turret 3
1615 small fire turret 4 and port side aft

20 minutes after the last induced explosion she starts sinking by the bow.

That seems pretty reasonable to me, I wouldn't go much higher than 4X the original numbers in the mod, but the original numbers need to be at least doubled to even notice any difference at all in SH4. Otherwise nice mod, Bravo Zulu.
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