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Old 03-08-14, 12:05 AM   #581
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Unfortunately I need the same cure to stop my excessive boozing.
Me too, my boozing has increased by about a third since i stopped fags. Since I wasn't actually a light drinker beforehand it's not too good, but i say to myself "One thing at a time". If I try to do it all at once I'll be soon back with a fag in one hand and and a drink in the other.

Since I've quit tobacco I've been suffering from insomnia and I just get drunk to beat it. It's maybe a bit of a stupid thing to do but it works. I think I just need to learn to sleep again without carbon monoxide in my blood.

First nicotine, then booze and then I'll get fit and learn to run cross country again like I used to in my teens. Seriously!
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